'bank'에 해당되는 글 32건

  1. 2009.08.26 :: Message from Customer Service‏ 1
  2. 2009.08.26 :: Loan offer at low interest rate‏ 1
  3. 2009.08.26 :: Direct Cash Loan Company 1
  4. 2009.08.26 :: Norton Finance Loan Company. 2
bank 2009. 8. 26. 11:02
Bank of America Higher Standards

Dear Valued Customer

During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedures, we have detected a slight error in your account information.

This might be due to either of the following reasons:

1. A recent change in your personal information ( i.e.change of address).
2. Submiting invalid information during the initial sign up process.
3. An inability to accurately verify your selected option of payment due to an internal error within our processors.

As a result, we require you to click the link below and confirm your account information.

Click here to continue

However, If your account information is not confirmed and verified within a certain period of time then your ability to access your account would become restricted.

Thank you

Because your reply will not be transmitted via secure e-mail, the e-mail address that generated this alert will not accept replies. If you would like to contact Bank of America with questions or comments, please sign in to Online Banking and visit the customer service section.

Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender
2009 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved

'bank' 카테고리의 다른 글

LOAN (GET A LOAN AT 3% INTEREST RATE)!!!‏‏  (4) 2009.08.26
Loan offer at low interest rate‏  (1) 2009.08.26
Direct Cash Loan Company  (1) 2009.08.26
Norton Finance Loan Company.  (2) 2009.08.26
posted by ksanghoon
bank 2009. 8. 26. 11:02


Borrowing money is a serious business and you need to be 100% sure that you have exactly the right loan to suit your equirements both now and with the future in mind. Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail our office and we will be pleased to answer all your questions and help you apply.

We give out loan to people all over the globe at soft interest rate. If you are having a financial problem at the moment and you need an assistance, if you are planning to start up a business of your own, what ever financial problem it is, Star Loan Company is the right company to assist you with a loan, all you need to do is to write an application letter to the loan processing officer of this company with the below e-mail address loanprocessingdepartment@starloancompany.com He will begin the process of your loan immediately with the below details.

1. Full name
2. Full address
3. Sex
4. Age
5. country
6. occupation
7. Amount of loan needed
8. Duration of loan
9. phone number.
Joo Me Lee,
Star Loan Company Advertizing Agent.

Please send all details to loanprocessingdepartment@starloancompany.com only.

'bank' 카테고리의 다른 글

LOAN (GET A LOAN AT 3% INTEREST RATE)!!!‏‏  (4) 2009.08.26
Message from Customer Service‏  (1) 2009.08.26
Direct Cash Loan Company  (1) 2009.08.26
Norton Finance Loan Company.  (2) 2009.08.26
posted by ksanghoon
bank 2009. 8. 26. 11:01

Loan offer at 3% Interest Rate‏


As specialists in lending, Direct Loan Finance provides the flexibility,
responsiveness and industry expertise you need to meet your financial goals.
Whether you are looking to fund growth or achieve financial security,
we offer a full array of loan products designed to give you peace of mind.

Do you need a business loan, personal loan, home loan, auto loan,
student loan, debt consolidation loan, unsecured loan, venture capital...?

We offer 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans available.
We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients
all over world. With our flexible lending packages loans can be processed
and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible.

We operate under clear and understandable terms and we give loans of all
kinds to interested clients. If you need assistance from us contact us and
fill the required form below.

Loan Application:-

Full Name:
Phone Number:
Loan Amount:
Loan Duration:
Loan Purpose:

Contact us today, and discover how we can help.

Yours in Services,

'bank' 카테고리의 다른 글

Message from Customer Service‏  (1) 2009.08.26
Loan offer at low interest rate‏  (1) 2009.08.26
Norton Finance Loan Company.  (2) 2009.08.26
009  (1) 2009.08.26
posted by ksanghoon
bank 2009. 8. 26. 10:59

Rev .Steve Rysdam
Tel:+44 702 407 8744
Norton Finance Loan Company.

'bank' 카테고리의 다른 글

Loan offer at low interest rate‏  (1) 2009.08.26
Direct Cash Loan Company  (1) 2009.08.26
009  (1) 2009.08.26
to you!!!  (0) 2009.08.26
posted by ksanghoon